What’s New? PostbacCAS – August 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey(s). As a CAS, we are continually working to disseminate information to benefit the higher education profession. We will continue to do so the best we can and appreciate your help answering these hot topic questions.

We are excited to share the results from our two previous surveys. See what your peer institutions are doing in terms of test requirements during the pandemic as well as Fall 2021 orientation and recruitment events.

We remain grateful for your continued interest in participating in our two-question, anonymous surveys . We are skipping one this issue because we recently sent out a survey to all CAS users titled COVID-19 Fall 2021 Impact on Higher Education. We do hope you participated if you received the link.

This survey is now closed, and we will publish the results in our next issue.


New CAS Releases

CAS Configuration Portal: Drag-and-Drop Reorder Functionality for Either/Or Questions

The drag-and-drop reorder functionality is now available when reordering Either/Or question responses in the Configuration Portal ; this is like the functionality for reordering Multiple Choice question answer options. This enhancement improves user experience, as you no longer need to enter answer options in the exact order you want them displayed in. This will also ensure that your exports are not impacted if you reorder such responses choices.

CAS Configuration Portal: Designation Promotion Date Recording in Prelaunch Environment

Once a program is ready to go live in the application, Account Managers and Client Success Managers at Liaison promote your programs from the prelaunch environment to the production (i.e., live) environment. A new Promoted Date column in the Organizations table within the prelaunch environment now includes which date the program was promoted so that you can easily identify which of your programs the Liaison team has approved and promoted to the production environment.

WebAdMIT: Kira Assessment URL Field in Export Manager

As you may be aware, the CAS application allows you to link Kira Assessments if you already have an account with Kira Talent and want to make it available to all applicants via the application. We have now expanded this feature such that you can now extract the Kira Assessment URL field through the Export Manager in WebAdMIT.

2020-2021 PostbacCAS Scholarship

Each application cycle, Liaison International awards $5000 scholarships to two well-deserving PostbacCAS applicants.

For a student to be considered for the scholarship, they must:

As Program Directors, you are responsible for nominating students from your programs and for communicating information about the scholarship to their current students. Below are the nomination guidelines.

The scholarship application will close on October 15, 2021 . Liaison International will announce the winners of the two PostbacCAS scholarships from the 2020-2021 application cycle on November 1, 2021 . Each winner will receive $5000.

Entering Decisions in WebAdMIT

Matriculated student data is an integral part of the PostbacCAS annual report. This data helps strengthen the report by providing better benchmarking tools to all PostbacCAS participants. You can compare your institution’s enrollment data with all participating PostbacCAS schools. In order to include this data in the report, you must enter final decision codes for each verified application received in the 2019-2020 application cycle by October 29, 2021 .

The following decision codes are considered “final.”

Expect to receive a follow-up email with additional instructions and reminders. The enrollment data for the 2020-2021 cycle is time-sensitive. Please enter your final decision codes by the deadline so they can be included in the annual report expected to be released January 2022.

Managing the 2021-2022 PostbacCAS Cycle

The the 2021-2022 PostbacCAS cycle is live! Bookmark these resources to make your cycle management easier.

Status page for Incident Updates

Earlier this month, we launched a new Status Page to communicate incidents, scheduled maintenance/down time, etc. Subscribers to the Status Page will receive timely updates related to all CAS portals, WebAdMIT (including Configuration Portal), and our APIs. If you haven’t already subscribed, visit the status page website and click the blue box in the top right to enter your information. If you do not wish to subscribe, we encourage you to bookmark the status page below for easy reference.