Visiting Applications and FAQ for Visiting a Connecticut Inmate

Maintaining the relationship between inmates and their friends and family can be an integral part of the inmate's rehabilitation and eventual successful reintegration with society. Part of keeping your relationship healthy is maintaining communication with your inmate through visitation. When people think of visiting a prison they often feel discouraged or even overwhelmed at how to go about doing it. To make it easier for everyone we have assembled some of the most important things you'll need to know before you visit your inmate in Connecticut:

When visiting an inmate in Connecticut, some additional information you may want to know is:

Dress Code/Contact Rules for Visitors of Connecticut Inmates

When visiting an inmate in Connecticut you will need to follow the dress code to ensure your visit is allowed and goes smoothly. If you fail to stay within the dress code guidelines your visit can be denied. It is up to the discretion of the guards on duty to enforce these rules, so be very nice to them and do your best to follow the rules.

Remember the best thing to do when visiting is to bring a change of clothes and leave them in your car. This will enable you to quickly change if the staff disagree with something you are wearing.

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