Broward County Family Law and Divorce Court and Forms

Broward County Family Law and Divorce cases can be accessed online at Broward County Clerk of Court's search portal. Below are free divorce forms and Court contact information for judges, judicial assistants, and other staff involved in the 17 th Judicial Divorce and Family law court system. The Broward County Clerk of Court's website also provides access to the Child Support Depository where you can find depository forms and answers to frequently asked child support questions.

Broward Family Law and Divorce Court - Judge Contact Information:

Judge Judicial Assistant Phone Number Chamber* Courtroom* Zoom Meeting ID**
BAILEY DENNIS D. Suzanne Tracy (954) 831-0654 NW6850 WW11172 462-550-124
BRISTOL HOPE TIEMAN Nadine Turner (954) 831-7882 WW9135 WW9155 690-396-951
COHEN DALE C. Patti Buchholz (954) 831-5895 WW11127 WW11154 378-030-906
DAVIS MICHAEL Karen Sisson . (954) 831-7819 WW11138 WW11166 640-125-193
DAVIS N. HUNTER Gigi Jimenez (954) 831-7763 WW11133 WW11164 334-114-383
Katarzyna Zielinski (954) 831-7336 WW11125 WW11152 605-014-865
GAMM YAEL Lisa Cameron (954) 831-7758 WW9131 WW9170 697-041-821
GILLESPIE KENNETH Taneshia Barbary-Snell (954) 831-7565 WW14133 WW14160 713-315-119
HOLDEN PETER Sheila Oldershaw (954) 831-7340 WW11135 WW11162 206-892-036
IZQUIERDO JOSE Jamye Delsman (954) 831-3599 WW9133 WW9150 790-655-6366
KAPLAN MICHAEL G. Shelly Skofstad (954) 831-1663 WW10138 WW10150 623-686-621
LEDEE FRANK Barbara Sierra (954) 831-3758 WW11137 WW11168 562-237-373
MCHUGH KATHLEEN Eva-Tanja Cuthbert (954) 831-7489 WW10133 WW10170 458-523-246
MOON STEFANIE C. Sheree Edwards (954) 831-7710 WW10135 WW10155 815-731-156
OLEFSON SHARI AFRICK Joshua Carrasco (954) 831-3736 WW9138 WW9165 384-498-770
ORLANDO MICHAEL J. Shawnta Mallard (954) 831-6344 NW5850 NW5840 959-2974-2162
REBOLLO CARLOS S. Elizabeth Viera (954) 831-7708 NW4850 NW4840 125-331-275
RIBAS ALBERTO Jackie Sargiotto (954) 831-6907 WW9129 WW9175 686-285-652
ROSS STACY Chela Iverson (954) 831-7396 NW5820 NW5810 186-476-648
ROTHSCHILD MICHAEL I. Kim Cox (954) 831-7888 WW11131 WW11158 930-694-338
SCHULMAN STACEY Kim Oliva (954) 831-7628 WW9137 WW9160 556-448-344
WILLIAMS ELIJAH H. Gina Trentacosta (954) 831-6974 NW7850 NW7840 976-6059-9500
Judge Judicial Assistant Phone Number Chamber* Courtroom* Zoom Meeting ID**
ALSPECTOR SUSAN L. Stacy McMenemy (954) 831-7566 NW5790 NW5870 328-337-467
KAPLAN MICHAEL G. Shelly Skofstad (954) 831-1663 WW10138 WW10150 623-686-621
MCHUGH KATHLEEN Eva-Tanja Cuthbert (954) 831-7489 WW10133 WW10170 458-523-246
MOON STEFANIE C. Sheree Edwards (954) 831-7710 WW10135 WW10155 815-731-156

*For Chambers and Courtrooms, please note: WW = West Wing NW = North Wing N = North Satellite S = South Satellite W = West Satellite

**To use a touch tone phone/Dial by location use one of the following number followed by the division Judge’s unique meeting ID:
(888)475-4499 US Toll-free, (833)548-0276 US Toll-free, (833)548-0282 US Toll-free, (877)853-5257 US Toll-free, (786)635-1003, +1 (312)626-6799, +1 (646)876-9923, +1 (408)638-0968

Family Law and Divorce Forms :